Best Friends

Bible Study Lessons

What are ideal characteristics I look for in my closest friends?
Who are my closest friends?
Do my closest friends fit these characteristics?
Are my closest friends seeking to know God?

Jonathon and David vs. Amnon and Jonadab
(1 Samuel 20 and 2 Samuel 13)

Psalm 1
Proverbs 13:20
1 Corinthians 15:33

Are my friends dragging me down or is God the center of my friendships?
What kind of friend am I? Am I dragging others down or is God the center of my life?

Psalm 27:5

Seek friends who will warn you when you are about to do something that is not right. Be the kind of friend who will warn someone when they are about to make a mistake.

The world wants us to believe that if someone loves you they won't try to change you. But the Bible tells us that a friend who loves you will be more concerned about what is best for you than being accepted by you. A real friend says "I love you so much that I will not let you stay the same, I am going to challenge you to grow."

Don't ever sacrifice your relationship with God for the sake of a relationship with another person! Always remember that your relationship with God positions you to affect the lives of others. If your relationship with God is not primary, you will not be the friend you need to be to anyone.

God has a plan for your friendships because He knows that your friends influence the quality and directions of your life. The real question that must be answered is, "Is God the Lord of Your Friendships?"